Manufactur Burchardt

Manufactur Burchardt

The passion of model-making was passed on to me by my uncle, who raised me and by whose side I grew up. He used to build beautiful cardboard models of ships, vessels, tanks and airplanes, which in a downright magical way has played with my imagination of a child. It was by a natural succession, that in the age of seven I have built a very first model on my own. With this, historical for me model of Ansaldo A.1 Balilla airplane, scaled 1:144, my adventure that lasts until now has begun. My first steps into model-making and the enitre affair connected with it wasn’t for me a bed of roses in the very beginning. Model-making in Poland until 1989 used to be a very pricey hobby, because in the communist country there was lack of everything (starting from the basic need, everyday use products), therefore the only way to acquire any models and accessories for their construction was to import tchem from behind the Iron Courtain. It used to be quite a difficult task and a huge challenge, however the more satisfaction I have had from each material scored, and then from the already finished individual piece. These were priceless acquisitions, which until this day are the collection of personal calliber historical achievements for me. From 1990, after the fall of communism and as already a grownup man, I got engaged with tank and armoured vehicle construction, in 1:35 scale, coming from the WW2 period. The easy access to many models in the free already Poland has caused my fast development and spreading of my wings as a model-maker, by perfecting my skills whenever it was possible. In the later years a new idea germinated in my mind, that soon became my dream. I desired to be able to use my model-making skills in money making activity, which would ensure a sound living conditions for me and my family, and which at the same time would bring me lots of joy and satisfaction through doing what I love for living.

Therefore slowly at first, however consequently, I started pursuing my goal more and more intensely by firstly thinking and talking out loud about my dream. That’s when one day, during a phone conversation with my cousin I have mentioned to him about my idea, and to my increadible surprize he has taken to the subject right away and remarked on that occassion, that in the recent past then he’s have gotten an unusual inspiration, and constructed a model of minature violin himself! That fact exactly, that single conversation, was that only missing piece in the entire puzzle of my aiming toward my dreams’ fulfillment, as I realized later on. It was exactly that impulse, which has changed my life irreversibly. Nothing was ever the same from then on. The next day I have gotten into my car and in one shot, a 100 km distance shared between me and my cousin I have traveled in the speed of light. That’s how everything has started! With the violins’ miniature models… It was 1997. Sitting in the library, spending entire months there, I was going through books with photographs, pictures and prints of violins, classic guitars, lyras, balalaikas and many other popular instruments from Poland and the rest of the European countries, to get familiar with them the best way and most precisely possible and to photocopy them in the end. As the result of my research we have worked out and prototyped about fifty various miniatures of European instruments. The year 1999 arrived, for me a wonderful year! My daughter was born and in that year I started MANUFACTUR BURCHARDT business activity. The next very significant event for me related to my passion happend exactly on the seventh day of January, in the year 2001, when during the IX final of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Help, „The Small Orchestra of Christmas Help” consisting of five instruments built by MANUFACTUR BURCHARDT was auctioned out in the sum of 4500 PLN (Polish Zlotych). It was a great day, full of pride and joy for me, personally, and a huge distinction for my miniatures. In 2003 on behalf of some personal reasons I have suspended my business activity and have stopped making miniature instruments for sale.

Currently, in a year 2015, after 13 years of separation, I am resurrecting the MANUFACTUR BURCHARDT company. I am doing it mainly for myself, for my daughter, as well as for you, dear customers. I desire that my company’s goods will bring joy to you, your dear ones, and to all of those, who will enjoy them as much, or at least partly as much, as the entire process of making them brings to me. Let it be a special and unforgettable gift for you all, which will please not your eyes only, but at the same time let it awaken the rest of your senses for many years to come.


A.J. Burchardt